It offers a microinvasive procedure where a sharp needle, similar to an acupuncture needle, has a sharp edge at the tip and allows reaching sites where chronic soft tissue injury is found.
What does Acutomo do?
It attacks fibrosis that occurs due to stress, poor postural habits, trauma or for other reasons. Where fibrosis is detected by palpating, each point is marked and then the puncture is made with the needle. The needle is manipulated and cuts the fibrosis so that the muscle and tendon begin to work properly again. It promotes the natural elasticity of the muscles and tendons.

What can acutomo treat?
It can treat chronic pain in certain areas of the body where fibrosis has formed. A full evaluation of the patient must be done prior to including acutomo as a treatment option.
Santulan Garden
We are a holistic healing center conformed by experts in alternative medicine. Our mission is that you recover your health with the best therapeutic option available, that is why our team of bilingual (English/Spanish) doctors is integrated by:
• General Surgeons
• Specialists in human acupuncture